FBC Holdings - Zimbabwe Cyber Security Excellence Awards: Outstanding Cyber Security Team of the Year (Winner)
Milestones & Awards
FBC Bank - Chartered Governance And Accountancy Institute in Zimbabwe: Overall Best – Banking Institutions (Winner)
FBC Bank - Chartered Governance And Accountancy Institute in Zimbabwe: Best Risk Management (Winner)
FBC Bank - Chartered Governance And Accountancy Institute in Zimbabwe: Best Governance Practices (First Runner Up)
FBC Bank - Banks & Banking Survey: Digital Innovation Award (1st Runner Up)
Group Human Resources - IPMZ HR Excellence: HR Technology Transformation Award (Winner)
Group Human Resources - IPMZ HR ExcellencePeople Impact Award (1st Runner Up)
FBC Holdings - ESG Network Zimbabwe: Best ESG Impact Projects & Sustainability Governance Oriented Organisation (Winner)
FBC Holdings - Zimbabwe Cyber Security Excellence Awards: Cyber Security Financial Team of the Year (Winner)
FBC Bank was awarded the Social Responsibility Award at the 2022 Zimbabwe Independent Banks & Banking Survey.
FBC Bank was awarded Best Campaign – Finance and Insurance in the Banking and Finance Sector – Institute of Public Relations and Communication Zimbabwe
FBC Bank celebrated its 25th Anniversary
Microplan was awarded Fastest Outreach Growing Micro Finance Institution of the year - Runner Up – Zimbabwe Association of Micro Finance Institutions
FBC Holdings – Top Covid-19 Supporting Organisation of the Year - Zimbabwe National Environment, Responsible Business & CSR Awards
FBC Building Society - Best Private Infrastructure Funding Institution - Renaissance Global
Microplan - 1st Runner Up Service Excellence Award in the Microfinance Sector - Contact Centre Association of Zimbabwe (CCAZ)
Microplan- 1st Runner Up - Most Resilient MFI of the Year Award - The Zimbabwe Association of Microfinance Institutions (ZAMFI)
FBC Reinsurance - Reassurance Company of the Year Award - Zimbabwe Independent Insurance Survey and Awards
FBC Bank - 1st Runner Up - Best Risk Management Disclosure
FBC Bank - 1st Runner Up - Overall Best Board Corporate Governance Practices
FBC Bank - 1st Runner Up - Overall Best Corporate Governance Disclosure in Banking Institutions
FBC Bank - Best Mobile Banking App - Digital Banker Africa
FBC Bank - Best Digital Bank - Digital Banker Africa
FBC Bank - Best Digital Innovation of the Year Award - Banks and Banking Survey.
Microplan was awarded Winner, in recognition of excellence in the Microfinance Sector – Contact Centre Association of Zimbabwe
FBC Bank -Best Banking Risk Management Practices- Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe (ICSAZ)
FBC Bank has been awarded the Best Digital Bank- Digital Banker Africa (DBA).
Best Mobile Banking Awards- Digital Banker Africa (DBA).
MicroPlan - Winner Service Excellence Award Microfinance Sector - Contact Centre Association of Zimbabwe (CCAZ)
FBC Holdings- Winner Most Innovative Organisation - Contact Centre Association of Zimbabwe( CCAZ)
FBC Bank- Overall Best Corporate Governance Disclosures by a Banking Institution- Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe( ICSAZ)
FBC Bank- Best Banking Board Governance Practices- Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe( ICSAZ)
FBC Holdings- Winner Most Innovative Organisation - Contact Centre Association of Zimbabwe( CCAZ)
MicroPlan - Winner Service Excellence Award Microfinance Sector - Contact Centre Association of Zimbabwe (CCAZ)
Best Mobile Banking Awards- Digital Banker Africa (DBA).
FBC Bank has been awarded the Best Digital Bank- Digital Banker Africa (DBA).
FBC Bank crowned overall winner, Banks and Banking Survey 2020
FBC Insurance’s Usage Based Insurance Service (MyDrive) won the First Runner Up Innovative Product Award in the Business Weekly Inaugural Consumer Insurance Awards.
FBC Holdings won the Institute of People Management of Zimbabwe (IPMZ) 1st Runner Up People Development and Impact Award 2018.
FBC Holdings was recognised as one of the nation’s Top Five Listed Companies in The Zimbabwe Independent 2018 Quoted Companies Survey (QCS).
FBC Bank scooped the Most Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility Programme of the Year Award in the 2019 Banks and Banking Survey.
FBC Bank scooped the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administration of Zimbabwe (ICSAZ) Overall Winner Best Governed Banking Institution.
FBC Bank scooped the ICSAZ Overall Winner Risk and Internal Control Reporting Award.
FBC Bank was recognised as one of the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) Top 20 Business to Business Superbrands.
MyDrive also won the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) Second Runner Up Best New Product or Innovation of the Year Award in the Exceptional Marketing Awards 2019.
The Most Financially stable Micro Finance Institution
The Fastest Growing Micro Finance Institution
The Most Exceptional customer-centric Micro Finance Institution
The first runner up in the Most Digitised & innovative Micro Finance Institution.
Microplan also established a sterling record as the first local firm to receive the Smart Campaign Certification in Zimbabwe this year.
Mashonaland West Province Agricultural Show Best Exhibitor Award in the Financial Services Sector
Chartered Institute of Project Managers Zimbabwe (CIPMZ) First Prize for Being the Best in Property Development under the Residential Projects Category
FBC Bank won the CSR Network Zimbabwe 2018 Top Sustainable Company of the Year award
FBC Insurance Company scooped the Short Term Insurance Runner up Award in the 2018 Top Companies Survey.
Most Innovative Use of ICT by an MFI
Most Client Focused and Socially Responsible MFI
Microplan won the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce(ZNCC) Matabeleland Region 1st Runner- Up Enterprise Development Award
FBC Holdings won the Institute of People Management of Zimbabwe (IPMZ) HR Technology award.
Victoria Falls Agricultural Show First Prize Best Exhibitor Award in the Financial Services Category
Masvingo Agricultural Show
Mash West Agric Show Second Prize Best Exhibitor Award in the Financial Services Category
Midlands Show Society Best Exhibitor Award in the Financial Services Sector Category.
Third Prize for Best Stakeholder Practices and Sustainability Reporting
Third Prize for Best Banking Board Governance Disclosures
Second Prize for Overall Best Banking Corporate Governance Disclosures
Second Prize for Best Banking Internal Audit Disclosures
Merit Award for Best Banking Risk Management Disclosures
Kadoma - Microplan, 3rd Position Best Exhibitor Award in the Commercial Stands Category
Winner Top Companies Survey 2014
Zimbabwe Independent Quoted Companies Survey-Top Performaing Financial Services Entity
Winner Top Companies Survey 2011
Winner Top Companies Survey 2012
FBCH’s acquisition of a 95% shareholding in Eagle Insurance
FBC acquires Turnall Holdings Limited
Acquisition of Zimbabwe Building Society (now FBC Building Society)
Establishment of FBC Securities
Launch of FBC Corporate identity
Listing of FBC Holdings Limited on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange
ZSE Delisting of SARE and First Banking Corporation
IPO and listing of First Banking Corporation Limited
First Banking Corporation secures commercial banking license and commences operations