Treasury Services
FBC Bank’s Treasury performs the funding, market operations and risk management functions of the bank whilst providing our individual and business clients with the right investment products. We undertake daily trading activities in authorized market risk products. These products are divided into two categories - money market and foreign exchange, which are in turn traded on the money market and foreign exchange desks respectively.
Money Market Investments
Through money market investments we optimise our clients’ returns whilst maintaining liquidity for the bank. Talk to us for the following competitively priced products;
- Promissory Notes
- Treasury Bills
- Repurchase Agreements (REPOS)
- Banker’s Acceptances (Bas)
- Fixed Term Deposits
- Negotiable Certificates of Deposits
- Advisory Services
Download Money Market Account Opening Form for
- Individual: Treasury account opening + Indemnity Form
- Company: Retail account opening forms + Treasury account opening + Indemnity Form
Fixed Term Deposits
These are money market investments which are interest bearing. We offer competitive yields and guaranteed return on money invested with us, tenures available are 30, 60, and 90, 180 and 360 days. The product is suitable for Institutional and Individual Investors who have funds to invest.
Negotiable Certificate of Deposit
This is a good bank-guaranteed investment which can be sold but not redeemed before maturity. With an NCD, FBC Bank undertakes to pay the amount of the deposit plus the interest on maturity date (for short-term NCDs), or interest six-monthly in arrears and the deposit amount on maturity (for long-term NCDs).
Banker’s Acceptance
Banker’s Acceptance is a short-term debt instrument drawn on ourselves as the issuing bank with a fixed interest rate on behalf of our investing clients. This product is similar to a Treasury Bill in that it is also traded at a discount of the face value, making it a liquid instrument. If your company has good credit ratings and looking to raise working capital for daily operations, then this is your ideal product. As a money market instrument BAs help your business to maximise returns on your excess funds but placed with a reputable company. Does this sound like your perfect fit? Call us now for a BA.
Repurchase Agreement (Repo)
A Repurchase Agreement (Repo) is classified as a money-market instrument which is usually used to raise short-term capital. It is a short-term borrowing for dealers in government securities. The dealer sells the government securities to investors, usually on an overnight basis, and buys them back the following day. For the party selling the security (and agreeing to repurchase it in the future) it is a repo. For the party on the other end of the transaction, (buying the security and agreeing to sell in the future) it is a reverse repurchase agreement.
Treasury Bills
This is a short-term debt obligation backed by the government with a maturity of less than one year. Treasury bills (TBs) have maturities of one month (30 days), three months (90 days), six months (180 days) or one year (365 Days). Give us a call when you next have funds to place and we will do the rest for you.
Foreign Exchange
Exchange Rates are determined in the international Foreign exchange market where various economic fundamentals such as GDP, Interest Rates, Demand and Supply of currency, Political and Social issues come into play. Our Treasury Foreign Exchange section always quotes competitive prices on all major foreign exchange pairs. Whether it is cash, draft or telegraphic transfer, our dealers will give you the best deal in town. Call us to experience our range of the following foreign exchange desk products:
- Spot Foreign Exchange Deals
- Forward Exchange Contracts (FECs)
- Foreign Currency Accounts
Foreign Exchange Spot Transactions
These are purchases and sales of foreign currency, delivered within two working days. We offer very competitive rates on the various currencies and with it our trademark personalised service. Give us a call today.
The following can make use of SPOT product:
If you are an importer looking to pay for your goods in a foreign country using another currency other than the USD we can convert your US Dollars into any of the following currencies:
If you are in receipt of your export proceeds in other currencies other than the USD and looking to convert to USD the bank is willing to buy the following currencies:
If you wish to make foreign payments for the payment of school fees, goods or any other services within the RBZ exchange control guidelines, we facilitate this in various currencies other than the functional currency. Call your nearest branch today for an arrangement.
Forwards Exchange Contracts (FEC)
This is an agreement to buy or sell one currency for another at a certain future date for a price agreed today. This contract can be used for risk management for known cash-flows in the future as you undertake your trading operations.
When you want to eliminate uncertainty about future exchange rates and you have commitments in foreign currency, FECs allow you to cover the uncertainty by insuring yourself against adverse exchange rate movements.
If you have known receipts in foreign currency you can also insure yourself by agreeing on a rate today and avoid the risk of exchange rates. Exchange rates for forwards are determined in part by Spot Exchange rates and Interest rates between currencies to be exchanged in the future. Foreign Exchange Rates (clients should be able to click and access daily rate sheet)
Foreign Currency Accounts
Whatever currency you want to transact in, we are the bank that is right up your street. FBC Bank offers individuals and corporates bank account facilities denominated in any currency other than the ZWD:
You are spoilt for choice. Call any of our FBC Branches nationwide and open an account now.
Name | Telephone | Skype | |
FBC Treasury Dealers* | | +263 772 181 155 | |
Tendai Panaishe | | +263 4 798 934 | panaishet |
Collen Kapende | | +263 4 798 934 | collen.kapende1 |
Faye Shara | | +263 4 706832/ 798932 | faye.shara |
Zviyedzo Chimwara | | +263 4 798932 /706760 | zviyedzoc |
Tawanda Gonye | | +263 4 798932/ 798934 | Tawanda.gonye |
Brian Takaedza | | +263 4 706832/ 798934 | briant.01 |
* Dealing Code: FBCZ