Insurance Fraud
In line with our Values, Corporate Governance policy and as part of our crime prevention initiative, we have put in place a hotline that can be used to inform us as and when you observe unethical behaviour within our organisation or our stake holders. The aim of this is to promote zero tolerance towards unethical behaviour.
This serves to inform you of what may be reported:
- Fraud or potential fraudulent behaviour or activity and/or
- Any dishonesty pertaining to any facility or claim
- Any information you might think is relevant to our cause
We assure you that all information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
The number to call if you have reason to believe or if you have witnessed any of the above related activities, by our personnel, clients or service providers is: +263 (04) 774 946/759985/708212-9 Ask for Internal Audit.
Please note that your call will be treated with utmost confidentiality and you can choose to remain anonymous. This Fraud line can only be effective with your full co-operation.