Advisory Services

Do you want a one-stop solution for investor advisory services? Call FBC Securities now! Get access to the following advisory services;


FBC Securities will hand hold you through the maze of requirements that come with operating in foreign markets and constantly provide clients with up to date market intelligence. Our company also guides issuers with advice on how to comply with ZSE listing requirements. We served as sponsoring brokers and advisors to the restructuring of FBC Holdings, through its 100% acquisition of FBC Building Society and its eventual divesture of Turnall Holdings Limited. Our overall scope to issuers includes share buybacks, subsidiary disposals/divesture and balance sheet restructures.


If you are looking for a seasoned investment solutions provider, FBC Securities will deliver the goods. Our dedicated research team, apply a hybrid of valuation models, which when combined together produce a sound basis for investment decisions. Through this, you are guaranteed that all macroeconomic indicators are explored to minimize risk and exposure in your securities investment portfolio. We have done sound and beneficial portfolio restructuring motivation papers for institutional investors such pension funds. Call us to discuss your investment options today!