Matipedza Lole

Matipedza Lole
Head Of Operations – FBC Health Insurance
Diploma in Insurance (IIZ), Diploma in Marketing (IMM), BBA Marketing (IMM), MBA (MANCOSA SA).

Matipedza is an accomplished marketer and business administrator.  He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and Marketing Degree (BBA Marketing) and Diploma from the Institute of Marketing Management (IMM), an Insurance Diploma from the Insurance Institute of Zimbabwe (IIZ) and an MBA from the Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA).  He has vast experience spanning over 20 years in Marketing Management, Pension Administration and Consultancy, Individual Life Administration, Health Insurance, Operations and Client Relationship Management. He has attended various International and national Leadership and management courses. He currently heads the FBC Health Insurance portfolio which he was instrumental in creating after the exit of Liberty Health Cover from the Zimbabwean market. He has been a board member of the Association of Healthcare Funders of Zimbabwe (AFHoZ) over two terms. He is currently studying towards attaining a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business and Management with The University of Zambia Graduate School of Business (UNZA GSB)